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TheCoin.pw Digibyte (DGB) Scrypt Mining Pool!

DigibyteWelcome and thank you for visiting. TheCoin.pw is a trusted mining pool provider for various cryptocurrencies all of which contain non mandatory pool fees and payout using the proportional payout method. Each TheCoin.pw mining pool provides members with a selection of multiple difficulty options (including a variable difficulty option) and enforce automatic payouts (each day at 00:00 UTC or when a members confirmed balance exceeds the set maximum threshold).

TheCoin.pw solely rely on member donations/advertising rewards to assist with ongoing costs related to the operation of all mining pools, please consider donating. We hope you enjoy this mining pool!

Pool Details
Coin Algorithm Scrypt
Payout System Proportional Payout
Pool Fee 0%
Donations Non-mandatory, selectable percentage between 0% - 100% (Default 2%)
Payout Options Automatic/Manual
Automatic Payout Frequency Processed daily at 00:00 UTC / or when a members confirmed balance exceed the mining pools threshold
Manual Payout Frequency Processed every 5 minutes
Automatic Withdrawal Fee 0.1 DGB
Manual Withdrawal Fee 0.01 DGB
Automatic Difficulty Options Automatic/Variable (1 - 1048576) Starts at difficulty 512 then automatically retargets
Manual Difficulty Options 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768, 65536, 131072, 262144, 524288, 1048576
Notable Pool Features Solid State Infrastructure, Stratum Support, DDoS Protection
Stratum Connection Details
Mining Difficulty Stratum Connection String
Automatic (Variable) stratum+tcp://thecoin.pw:3780
8 stratum+tcp://thecoin.pw:3781
16 stratum+tcp://thecoin.pw:3782
32 stratum+tcp://thecoin.pw:3783
64 stratum+tcp://thecoin.pw:3784
128 stratum+tcp://thecoin.pw:3785
256 stratum+tcp://thecoin.pw:3786
512 stratum+tcp://thecoin.pw:3787
1024 stratum+tcp://thecoin.pw:3788
2048 stratum+tcp://thecoin.pw:3789
4096 stratum+tcp://thecoin.pw:3790
8192 stratum+tcp://thecoin.pw:3791
16384 stratum+tcp://thecoin.pw:3792
32768 stratum+tcp://thecoin.pw:3793
65536 stratum+tcp://thecoin.pw:3794
131072 stratum+tcp://thecoin.pw:3795
262144 stratum+tcp://thecoin.pw:3796
524288 stratum+tcp://thecoin.pw:3797
1048576 stratum+tcp://thecoin.pw:3798

Latest News
Mining Pool Wallet Upgraded - 6.16.3
posted 08/11/2018 09:59:14

Members, please note that the mining pools wallet has been upgraded to 6.16.3.

TheCoin.pw are trialling a new Digibyte (Scrypt) mining pool, if enough interest is obtained we will consider retaining this mining pool.

The pool will remain active unless this mining pool falls idle and no blocks are located in over 60 days.